The show is ON tonight (not the rain date). An outdoor evening with the Wilmington Concert Opera performing "Pirates & Mermaids," a concert featuring arias and sea chanteys dedicated to our favorite subjects. Performers will be on our ship’s bow and foredeck while our audience will be seated dockside, on land.
All proceeds support the Kalmar Nyckel Foundation. $25 tickets are sold out and no longer available.
Program selections are listed below. Show time is 7:00pm and gates open at 6:00pm. Cash bar prior to the show. Run time is 50 minutes. Recommended for ages 10+
Ticket holders should bring a jacket and mask in case a passing shower pops up and the whole audience needs to wait inside the building. We will delay the show no more than 30 minutes (until 7:30pm). It must end before dark.
Please call our office with questions at 302.429.7447 on weekdays from 9:00am - 5:00pm.
Special songs, opera, and sea chanteys performed by Wilmington Concert Opera will include:
Copeland Maritime Center
at the Kalmar Nyckel Shipyard
1124 E 7th Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
Wednesday–Friday: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Additional hours
and by appointment
Thank you for contacting us.